Do you integrate with Google Analytics 4
Yes, TicketingHub integrated with Google Analytics 4 Why? The content of the iframe is a single page javascript application, without pages or urls changing, therefore it wouldn't give any more benefit, than the solution We suggest below: Adding GA4 code on your own pages with the widget, and then triggering GA4 events after receiving events from the widget. We currently track two types of events: 'th:pageview' - triggered when the widget view changes 'th:order:Few readersGoogle Analytics
Integrating Google Analytics with TicketingHub TicketingHub has the capability to automatically detect your Google Analytics code if the analytics script has been installed on your website. For the tracking to work, you must activate E-commerce on your Google Analytics account. This enables sales tracking on your platform. 1. Adding Google Analytics to Your Website Before you start, ensure that you have a Google Analytics account and you have located your tracking ID. How to find yoFew readersHOW TO ACTIVATE SMART WAIVER INTEGRATION
Creation Date: April 12, 2024 ACTIVATE THE SMART WAIVER INTEGRATION 1. Click on Settings 2. Click on Integrations ( readersGoogle AdWords Tracking
Google AdWords Tracking Integration Google AdWords tracking can be added to your website to help you monitor and optimize your ad campaigns. This guide will show you how to add the necessary code to the pages with the widget. Steps to Add Google AdWords Tracking Locate the Pages with the Widget: Identify the pages on your website where the TicketingHub widget is present. Add the Tracking Code: Insert the following JavaScript code to these pages: $(function()Few readersFacebook Pixel
Our system is designed to seamlessly integrate with Facebook Pixel, assuming it's detected on the page. However, should you need to disable this feature, it can be easily done. In case you're interested in adding more advanced tracking, we also offer the capability to add custom JavaScript code. Below is an example of how you can incorporate this: document.body.addEventListener('th:order:confirmed', function(event)Few readers