Communication - Automated Emails & Notifications for you and your staff

TicketingHub allows you to receive various automatic emails and notifications. Here is a simplified guide on how to set these up:
How to Enable Notifications
Log into your TicketingHub account.
Navigate to Settings > Users
Click on the blue megaphone icon next to the user for whom you want to enable notifications.
Select the desired types of notifications.

Adjusting the Timing for the Manifest Email
Log into your TicketingHub account.
Click on your product.
Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings.
Click Edit (top-right corner).
Adjust the timing for when the manifest is sent (the default setting is 30 minutes prior).

By following these steps, you can customize your TicketingHub notifications to better manage your events and bookings.
Types of Notifications
Weekly Summary: Receive a weekly summary of all sales via email.
Daily Summary: Get a daily update on all sales via email.
Guide Manifest: The assigned tour guide receives an email with the list of attendees 30 minutes prior to the tour (timing can be adjusted).
Every Manifest: Receive an email with the list of attendees 30 minutes before the tour (timing can be adjusted).
First Booking for Option: Receive an email notification for the first purchase made for a new product (useful for testing).
Confirmed Orders: Get an email each time a purchase is made.
Cancelled Bookings: This is a notification for each cancelled booking. Bookings can only be cancelled from the backend.
Provisional Orders: Receive an email when a provisional order is created. These orders can only be created by you or your staff in the back end.
Confirmed Provisional Orders: Get an email when a provisional order is confirmed.
Transfer Statements: Receive an email each time the payment gateway transfers money to your bank account (useful for finance tracking).
Last Minute Booking Notice: Receive an email for same-day bookings.
Extra Stock Threshold: This notification is for when you run out of your stock for you Extras. You can set the Threshold when you create your extra.
Event Capacity Reached: We will let you know you reached capacity so you can potentially add more.
Extra Purchased: We send you a message when someone buys an extra so you can prepare for it.
Updated on: 12/07/2023
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